a brother from another mother, according to some

I was cycling back from the gym when I saw bright disco lights coming out from The Basket, one of the cafes in De Uithof science campus. People usually only go there out of convenience, but this party looked quite fun from the outside.

The crowd outside was motioning towards me. They were all in suits and colorful gowns. Come inside! They said. But I’m all sweaty! I said.

Doesn’t matter. Come inside.

Sweet! A spontaneous party invitation. I’m confused and excited at the same time. But as I come closer, it becomes clear that everybody around me has baby faces, despite being as tall as I am. Turns out it’s a high school prom.

Technically we’re only a couple of years apart, but this isn’t the kind of party I’m trying to crash.


I want to leave, but they insist that I don’t go until I see somebody. The crowd gives way until there’s only one other person in front of me — the only other Asian-looking guy in the party.

Kijk! Jouw broer!

He took one look at me and turned away.  He looked annoyed and ashamed.

So was I. I just got duped by a bunch of rowdy Dutch teenagers.